Welcome Munster HS Class of 2028
Scheduling Resources
The four years of high school are an exciting part of your educational journey! The choices you make now can lead to successful and enjoyable careers and experiences later in life. Students and their families should put time and thought into their school schedule each year. Be sure to use the resources here to explore the course offerings available to help you develop your academic strengths, personal interests and career dreams and goals!
Freshmen Year Scheduling
- Special Class Offerings
- Freshmen Year Scheduling Form, Course Options and Graduation Pathways
- Freshmen Year Science Class Options
- 2024-25 Course Selection Guide
- Box 2 Service Based Learning Activities and Points Awarded
- 4-Year Plan Guide
- Incoming Parent Presentation
- Interested in Athletics?
Special Class Offerings
Click here to access the Flyer.
Is your student interested in participating in the publications program? Ms. Lanman has provided information on how students can work on either the Crier or Paragon staff as they progress through high school. If this is of interest to your student, they may want to consider a Photography or Journalism elective during their freshman year.
Speech & Debate
Click here to access the Flyer.
One of the most popular and well-known clubs at MHS is the Speech and Debate Team. Mr. Mayer has provided information on this opportunity and your student may want to enroll in the Speech, Advanced Speech, or Debate classes in order to support this afterschool activity.
If your student is currently in Band, they would want to enroll in Band for the full year. Band includes marching season in the fall and concert season in the spring as well as time spent outside of school for practices, competitions, and concerts. Orchestra classes are reserved for students who are experienced at playing stringed instruments- wind instrument players should plan on enrolling in Band. Orchestra also requires students to participate in concerts and competitions outside of the regular school day.
If you have specific questions in regards to the instrument your student plays, please contact our Band Director, Mr. Marcusiu, at ihmarcusiu@munster.us.
Click here to access the flyer.
Choir is a community for all and Mr. McGinnis welcomes new students into his program every year. Since 2020, MHS Choir alumni have earned over $200,000 in vocal scholarship funds and MHS is proud to be performing in the 2023 Salzburg Choral Festival in Austria this June. For more information on the choir opportunities at MHS, review the interactive flier and contact Mr. Luke McGinnis at lpmcginnis@munster.us.
Orchestra classes are reserved for students who have experience playing string instruments – wind instrument players should plan on enrolling in Band. Symphony Orchestra is an auditioned group and materials must be requisitioned from Ms. Quinn prior to enrollment in the class. Orchestra also requires students to participate in concerts and competitions outside of the school day.
Parents and students may contact Ms. Quinn for more information at lrquinn@munster.us.
Freshmen Year Scheduling Form, Course Options and Graduation Pathways
Click here to access the Freshmen Scheduling Form.
All current 8th grade students planning to attend Munster High School in the fall need to fill out and email this scheduling sheet to their high school counselor by Wednesday, March 20th, 2024. Classes should be chosen thoughtfully, and the resources below can assist in helping your student to choose the courses that are best for them. Please download, complete, and email this form to the high school counselor listed at the above right that corresponds with your student’s last name.
For a full list of freshmen course options, click here.
All students must indicate a pathway of interest on their scheduling form.
For a description of Box 3 Graduation Pathways options at MHS, click here.
Freshmen Year Science Class Options
2024-25 Course Selection Guide
Click here to access the 2024-25 Course Selection Guide.
This guide provides information on diploma requirements, Graduation Pathways, course descriptions and their prerequisites, as well as an overview of the various activities at Munster High School. If your student has a question about what is taught in a specific class, refer to this guide for the course description.
Box 2 Service Based Learning Activities and Points Awarded
Click here to access the Box 2 Service Based
Activities and Points Awarded Guide.
All students must complete either 8 points over 4 years in clubs/sports/activities or complete 75+ hours of paid employment in order to satisfy Box 2 of Graduation Pathways. This document gives a list of the activities offered at MHS as well as the point value per year associated with each activity. Encourage your student to get involved during freshman year! Callout meeting information for each activity will be advertised in the daily announcements as well as via posted fliers around the building once school starts in August. Students can also earn all 8 points for this requirement by participating in 1 season of a sport. Please see the Athletics link below for more information on all of the athletic opportunities offered at Munster High School.
Once students have accumulated their 8 points or their 75 hours of paid employment to fulfill Box 2 of Graduation Pathways, they will get the appropriate signatures from their coach/sponsors/employer on the Employability Skills Verification Form and write a 2-3 page, typed, double-spaced reflection paper about their experience. This form and the reflection paper are due to Guidance during senior year but can be turned in as soon as the requirement is met. Click here to access the Employability Skills Verification Form.
Click here to access the Employability Skills Verification Form.
4-Year Plan Guide
Click here to access the 4-Year Plan Guide.
A 4-year plan can be a valuable tool for mapping out your student’s years at Munster High School. With graduation requirements in constant flux in the state of Indiana, a 4-year plan is becoming important to both families and counselors to ensure that all required credits are met for graduation. This document does not need to be returned to your high school counselor; it is merely a tool for you to use as a family to help in mapping out a 4-year high school plan. The MHS school counselors plan to use a guided classroom lesson to help all freshmen create a 4-year plan beginning with the Class of 2028.
Click here to access the 9th/10th Grade College Planning Guide.
This document is brought to you from College Board: Big Future and outlines the basic guidelines that freshmen and sophomore students should follow in regard to preparing for college. It is never too early to think about life after high school, and there are many resources that can be found for college planning, financial aid, career planning, and more at Big Future: https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/
Incoming Parent Presentation
Interested in Athletics?
Click here to access the Munster High Athletics School website.
This is the official website of Munster Athletics. Information regarding callouts, conditioning, and tryouts can be found in the daily MHS Announcements as well as on the Munster High School Facebook page. Immediate updates are offered on Twitter and Instagram; parents and students can follow @Munster_Sports to receive notifications.
Click here to access the list of MHS sports by season.
Click here for information on the Munster High School
Strength and Conditioning Program.
IHSAA Physicals
Click here to access the form.
IHSAA physical forms may be obtained from the Athletics Office, and all student athletes must have an updated IHSAA physical on file. For 9th grade students interested in playing any sport, their IHSAA physical must be on file before they can participate in summer conditioning.
IHSAA physicals for the 2024/2025 school year will be valid from April 1st, 2024-May 31st, 2025.
Please note: This is a completely separate physical form than what is required by our school nurse and for PE participation. Parents are required to upload student physicals on FinalForms.
FinalForms Instructions
Click here to access instructions.
All student athletes and their parents must have a FinalForms account to participate in athletic activities at Munster High School. Any questions should be directed to the Athletics Department at (219) 836-3206.
Additional Resources
- Materials from the Nurse
- Summer School Information
- 2022-23 Dual Credit Report
- PowerParent User Guide
Materials from the Nurse
Information provided by Mrs. Martinez, the MHS school nurse, is linked below.
Completed forms may be emailed to Mrs. Martinez at martinez@munster.us or dropped off to the Munster High School main office any time after May 1, 2024.
If a student has a diagnosis that requires an action plan, please submit those forms to Mrs. Martinez yearly. Examples of such diagnoses include but are not limited to diabetes, seizures, allergies, etc.
For additional health services information, please click here.
School Physical Form
Click here to access the Form.
All 9th graders must have a completed school physical on file with Mrs. Martinez in order to participate in PE. Students without a physical will be withdrawn from the class and will need to take it at another time during high school. Physicals completed before May 1, 2024 will not be accepted for participation in PE for the Summer of 2024 or for the 2024/2025 school year. Parents must also provide updated immunization records before school begins in August. These records can be obtained from your student’s physician at the time of their physical examination.
PLEASE NOTE: This is NOT the same as the IHSAA Physical required to participate in Athletics.
Non-Prescription Pain Medication Form
Click here to access the Form.
This form must be completed and returned to Mrs. Martinez if your student needs Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen for pain/discomfort during the school day. Students may only have access to these medications in the Nurse’s Office and permission must be on file in order for medicine to be administered.
Immunization Requirements
Click here for the Indiana Immunization Schedule
Parents must also provide updated immunization records before school begins in August. These records can be obtained from your student’s physician at the time of their physical examination.
Summer School Information
Detailed course offerings, information and registration opportunities will be emailed to parents from the MHS Student Services Department in late March/early April. If you are the parent of a student who is new to the district and interested in taking summer school, please contact the MHS Students Services Department in early April to inquire about summer school registration.
You can reach Student Services by calling 219-836-3200 and asking for that department or by dialing extension 3321.
2022-23 Dual Credit Report
The following report reviews all the dual credit that was earned by Munster High School students during the 2022-2023 school year. It also pays special attention to the Class of 2023. Lastly, it provides a breakdown of cost savings for Munster families, including some longitudinal data. Munster currently partners with Ivy Tech Community College, Purdue University Northwest, and Vincennes University. Students earn dual credits both at Munster High School and through the Area Career Center in Hammond.
Below is a summary of the credits earned from each of those dual credit partners. Please note that these are credits that were earned during the 2022-2023 school year only.
College/ |
Credits |
Dual Credit |
Ivy Tech Community College |
7,039 |
89.81% |
Purdue University Northwest |
660 |
8.36% |
Vincennes University |
144 |
1.82% |
Totals |
7,843 |
100.00% |
Munster High School students earned 7,843 credits. The average cost of a college credit in Indiana is $300. This saved families $2,352,900.
The majority of these credits (90%) were completed for free through Ivy Tech Community College. (Source: Ivy Tech Master List of Dual Credits)
These courses include the following classes:
Munster students completed dual credit courses through Purdue University Northwest in the following classes: (Source: PNW Master List of Dual Credits):
Munster students completed dual credit courses through Vincennes University in the following classes - all offered at the Area Career Center
(Source: ACC Dual Credit Report):
PowerParent User Guide
Click HERE for PDF Version of the User Guide or follow the instructions below. .
Follow these steps below to access the PowerSchool Public Access:
1. Click HERE to access the PowerParent Portal Access.
2. Type your username and password into the appropriate spaces.
Then click the Enter button.
Your username and password were printed on your student’s first semester schedule.
If you have lost or forgotten your username and/or password, please contact the High School Guidance Office.
3. Once you have logged in, you will see the main PowerSchool screen.
From this screen you have access to:
- Grades and Attendance
- Grades History
- Attendance History
- Email Notifications
- School Bulletins
- Balance
5. You can access any of these resources by clicking on the appropriate icons located at the top of the screen.
1. This screen shows the current grades and attendance in each class for your child. The attendance view is for the past two weeks.
You may see your child’s attendance history by clicking on the Attendance History icon at the top of the page.
2. By clicking on a Teacher’s Name, you can email a teacher directly (assuming your computer and email are setup correctly).
3. By clicking on a percentage or grade displayed, you can see all of the assignments for this grading period and the scores received on each.
4. If an assignment title is colored blue, a detailed description or additional references for this assignment are available. You can view this information by clicking on the link (assignment name).
An assignment description example is shown below.
1. This screen allows you to set up progress reports, attendance records, and school announcement alerts which can be emailed each day, week, or month.
2. Click the appropriate checkboxes and choose a time period from the drop down menu.
3. Make sure you add your email address.
NOTE: If you wish to have this information sent to multiple email addresses, please separate each address with a comma (,).
4. Click on Submit.
NOTE: When you receive emailed progress reports, DO NOT reply to the email if you have a question. Instead, login to PowerSchool, select the Current Grades and Attendance screen, and click on the teacher’s name that you wish to contact. Replies to the progress reports DO NOT return to the teachers.
1. This screen displays any teacher comments that have been posted for your child.
2. By clicking on the teacher’s name, you can email a teacher directly (assuming your computer and email are setup correctly).
1. This screen displays the Munster High School’s daily announcements.
1. This screen displays your student’s lunch account balance.
Bob Snyder
Assistant Principal
219.836.3200 ext. 3324
Chrisanne Terry
Counselor for A - Co
219.836.3200 ext. 3210
Peter Gregory
Counselor for Cp - Hi
219.836.3200 ext. 3409
Liz Keleher
Counselor for Hj - Mn
219.836.3200 ext. 3434
Cynthia Kielbasa
Counselor for Mo - Sa
219.836.3200 ext. 3212
Kristen Salan
Counselor for Sc - Z
219.836.3200 ext. 3365
Kristan Reed
School Service Provider
219.836.3200 ext. 3213
Nikki Olson
219.836.3200 ext. 3208
Maureen Gaither
Guidance Assistant/Aide
219.836.3200 ext. 3207